Les guides Horus X

un homme assis au bureau avec une posture correcte

Gaming Posture: How to make sure you stay comfortable for hours

Gaming Posture: How to make sure you stay comfortable for hours If you’re an avid gamer you’re probably well accustomed to spending hours hunched over a PC or lounging on...
Etiquetados: Gaming
Fatigue oculaire et vertiges : quel lien ? Comment s'en protéger !

Eye fatigue and dizziness: what is the link? How to protect yourself!

You have arrived at the last round of Fall Guys, after having passed all the craziest obstacles, when all of a sudden, you are violently dizzy. Although this does not...
Etiquetados: Confort visuel
un homme portant un casque spatial assis sur le canapé et jouant à des jeux vidéo

The impact of video games on the brain and body

Do you spend hours on end diving into the world of video games? Is your Steam library jam-packed, and is your PlayStation Plus membership worth every penny?  If you've been...
Etiquetados: Gaming
Cadeau d'anniversaire pour gamer

Birthday gift for gamer

We all have a fan of video games in our family or among our loved ones. The dreaded moment has arrived: you just got up and your mobile phone vibrates:...
Etiquetados: Gaming
les lunettes de soleil polarisées horus x sur la table avec des cerises et une bouteille

The advantages and disadvantages of polarized lenses (for glasses / sunglasses)

If you're looking to learn about polarized lenses, it's probably because you've heard they help you see better. Or you may have noticed that many people wear them on sunglasses during...
Etiquetados: Confort visuel
lunettes de soleil horus x sous le soleil

Are transition lenses worth it?

Are you part of Team Eyewear? If so, you know how difficult it can be to switch between different types of glasses - classic eyeglasses, anti-blue reflection eyeglasses and sunglasses...
Etiquetados: Confort visuel
Gagner sa vie en jouant aux jeux vidéo

Make a living playing video games

Earning money playing video games is a dream that many gaming enthusiasts want to achieve. New professions have emerged in recent years, and some can be very lucrative! Did you...
Etiquetados: Gaming
Fille souffrant de yeux secs à la maison

Remedios naturales para los ojos secos

Si sufres de ojos secos, sabes lo desagradable que puede ser. Afortunadamente, existen diversos remedios caseros y consejos prácticos que pueden ayudar a aliviar los síntomas sin necesidad de medicación....
Etiquetados: Confort visuel
Pourquoi le travail de nuit peut perturber le sommeil

Why working nights can disrupt sleep

Are you one of those everyday heroes who work at night and sleep during the day? THANKS ! It's not easy every day. We explain to you why night work...
Etiquetados: Sommeil
Lumiere bleue pour dormir

Blue light for sleeping

As you know, blue light and sleep are among our favorite subjects. And today, instead of just talking to you about the harmful effects of LEDs and screens on your...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue Sommeil
Comment choisir des lunettes de soleil 

How to choose sunglasses

There is no debate: sunglasses are essential to protect our eyes. To choose them well, you must understand how they work and their different characteristics. In this ultimate guide, we...
Etiquetados: Confort visuel
une femme inquiète regardant son acné dans le miroir

Blue light acne treatment: how does it work?

 We know we’ve been making a big fuss about the harmful effects of blue light and advocating for your eyes to stay safe from its negative impacts… but today, we’re...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue