Les guides Horus X

Comment choisir des lunettes de soleil 

How to choose sunglasses

There is no debate: sunglasses are essential to protect our eyes. To choose them well, you must understand how they work and their different characteristics. In this ultimate guide, we...
Tagged: Confort visuel
Traitement acné lumière bleue : comment ça marche ?

Blue light acne treatment: how does it work?

 We know we’ve been making a big fuss about the harmful effects of blue light and advocating for your eyes to stay safe from its negative impacts… but today, we’re...
Tagged: Lumière bleue
Combien de fois cligne-t-on des yeux par jour ? Notre réponse précise

How many times do we blink a day? Our precise answer

There are questions that we ask ourselves spontaneously, such as: which of the egg or the chicken came first? Why is the sky blue ? How many times do we...
Tagged: Confort visuel
Comment mieux dormir : 10 essentiels à mettre en place maintenant !

How to improve sleep quality in 10 easy steps

Everyone knows how important it is to get a good night’s sleep and not stay up playing Tears of the Kingdom until 3 am. You know who you are. Even...
Tagged: Sommeil
femme ayant une vision floue et des douleurs au cou

Neck injuries and blurred vision: it's linked!

What's the connection between blurred vision and neck pain?We know the answer and even have helpful tips on how to keep both your eyes and the cervical spine in tip-top...
Tagged: Confort visuel
Dos bloqué : que faire ?

Back blocked: what to do?

Your back is completely blocked? You are in the right place ! Our back not only absorbs the support of the bust and the loads that we carry, but it...
Tagged: Bien être
Les différents types de méditation : guide pratique

The different types of meditation: a practical guide

Mindfulness, guided, transcendental meditation... which one to choose? Discover the different types of meditation in our complete guide! Meditation is an ancestral practice that may seem complex at first glance....
Tagged: Bien être
les écouteurs, un ordinateur portable, des lunettes horus x avec une casquette horus x sur la table

How to wear headphones | A simple guide

Over or in your ears. Job done; you can move on with your life now. We’re kidding. Obviously, if the answer was that simple you wouldn’t be searching for it...
Tagged: Gaming
Le mode sombre est-il meilleur pour les yeux ?

Is dark mode better for the eyes?

First of all, dark mode is something you switch to on a device like a computer or cellphone, not your new state of being at the end of Henry Cavill’s...
Tagged: Confort visuel
Jeune femme massant la zone des yeux

Eye massage | Help your tired eyes

Here at Horus X, we take sight very seriously. Which is why we wanted to share our knowledge on a gesture that can have a huge impact on your daily...
Tagged: Confort visuel
Posture travail sur écran : nos conseils pour ta santé

Screen work posture: our advice for your health

You who work long hours on a screen, you need to read this article. Regardless of your age, you need to know the ideal working posture for working on a...
Tagged: Bien être
Comment calmer la démangeaison des yeux | Guide pratique

How to soothe itchy eyes | Practical Guide

Your eye itches and you don't know how to relieve it? We tell you how to soothe itchy eyes with simple tips. In the list of eye discomforts and minor...
Tagged: Confort visuel