Sleeping well is still nice, for your health, for your mood, for your well-being.

And unfortunately, sleeping well isn't always easy. That's where yoga comes in: a way to take some time to relax and feel better .

Let yourself be guided through the practice of gentle yoga, simple movements (because we are not yogis) which will have a more than welcome effect: helping you fall asleep more easily .

Yoga, a moment for yourself

woman sitting on her bed

Whoa, I can see them coming, they're going to twist me in all directions and I'm going to have to buy tickets to Nepal. No way, and no need for yoga classes!

And what's more, we don't take you for voodoo sorcerers, no mysticism here. The idea is to give yourself some time for yourself . A moment of calm , a break from everyday life. Because we deserve it!

Like a WoW character, you have just started a quest:

  • 📜 Pick 10 “Stress Busters Before Bed” and 5 “Calm Your Mind”
  • 💪 Get a “toned body” bonus
  • 🤸‍♂️ Increase the “flexibility” stat to the next level
  • 🧘‍♀️ Feel better and refocus on yourself

And you have the means! Yoga is performing simple but codified postures , each of which will have an effect on your mind and your body.

Regular practice of yoga provides several benefits, both physical (even gentle, yoga is a sport) and mental (taking time for yourself always feels good). Here are some examples:

  • 💪 Physical benefits, improved balance and stability
  • 🚑 reduced risk of injury
  • 🧘‍♀️ improved posture
  • 😴 alleviation of insomnia
  • 🍜 weight control or loss
  • 🤸‍♂️improved sleep quality and quality of life
  • 🌈 promotes relaxation, reduces stress

Sleep well with gentle yoga

If you've ever seen TikToks where yogis climb to the ceiling or perform the most physical postures... that's not what interests us in this article.

There are many forms of yoga, some very intense and requiring cardio and strength. And others much more zen, conducive to calm, relaxation, and therefore inviting sleep.

Woman on her back in bed doing yoga

Gentle yoga is a slow sequence of movements based on breathing, flexibility and balance . A moment for yourself that allows you to calm down… Just what you’re looking for to fall into the arms of Morpheus!

Did you know that there are even yoga postures dedicated to sleep? Yoga nidra , literally the yoga of sleep, allows you to relax your body and release the tensions accumulated during the day.

We think of our body by relieving tense muscles, but also of our mind by emptying ourselves of stress and anxiety, by calming our brain which is so solicited.

The idea is simple: yoga nidra -> relaxation -> easier falling asleep -> better sleep -> pure happiness 💖. All this in just a few minutes in your bed!

Some simple yoga poses in bed

So be careful, before you put on your pajamas and jump into bed, you will need to make a few simple preparations:

  • 🤮 Wait 2 hours after the meal , to avoid feeling nauseous during the session. Besides, you will have to be careful not to eat too heavy .
  • 💡 Pay close attention to ambient light , by limiting blue light (screens, television, etc.). This is important because blue light influences our circadian rhythm. Don't panic: anti-blue light glasses can reduce its effects.
  • 🎼Create a calm environment around your bed, perhaps with some relaxing music playing in the background.
  • 🥵 Maintain a temperature conducive to sleep, from 18 to 20°C according to the Institute of Sleep and Vigilance.
  • ⏰ Have completed your evening routine so you don't have to brush your teeth or run to the bathroom.
  • 🛌 If possible, have a comfortable bed, quality mattress and box spring, an ergonomic pillow

There is no order to follow in the postures that we propose to you, except for the last one which can lead directly to falling asleep. It is up to you to do according to your preferences! For all these techniques, only one watchword: do not force, do not hurt yourself!

👉 Adapt without seeking perfection, the goal is for you to do yourself good.

1- Deep and conscious breathing – Basic technique of pranayama 🍃

our community manager shows the pranayama posture

The idea: This position seeks to calm the mind, lower its heart rate and blood pressure. It is the basis for disconnecting from the daily grind.

Posture: Lying on the bed, or sitting comfortably. Place one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest.

The technique:

  • Inhale slowly and deeply, filling the lower belly, the entire belly, the lower chest and the upper torso.
  • Exhale in the same way, emptying the chest first, then the upper belly and then the lower belly. Breathe deeply!

👉 Do this for at least one minute, three minutes at best, and more if you need it.

2- Balsana or child's pose 🧒 - release tension

Kevin our website manager shows the balsana posture

The idea: let go and cut yourself off from the outside, stretch your muscles. With this posture, you are focused on yourself.

Posture: Face the floor, buttocks on your heels and arms stretched out in front.

The technique:

  • Get on all fours on the bed
  • Bring your big toes together. As you exhale gently, lower your hips toward your heels while leaning your torso forward.
  • Release your arms forward.
  • Lay your head on the bed. You can put the corner of your pillow on your forehead if you are not touching the mattress.
  • Take the time to refocus yourself as you inhale and exhale.

👉 After a minute, return to a sitting position.

3- the cat pose 😸 - marjarâsana

Matthieu our co-founder demonstrates the cat pose

The idea: to make the spine more flexible, relieve lower back tension and sciatica (especially for pregnant women), and combat stress.

Posture: It's the same posture as a cat arching its back.

The technique:

  • Get on your knees with your toes extended and your feet stretched (did you notice the photo? This also works if you are not in the exact posture. We position ourselves well, that's the important thing).
  • Get on all fours, keeping your arms vertical.
  • Align your knees with your heels and your wrists with your shoulders. Stretch your back.

Then alternately move towards the cat while stretching:

  • Blow out through your mouth and lower your head.
  • Round your back by pushing it toward the ceiling.
  • Return to the starting position while inhaling.

👉 To be carried out at the rhythm of your breathing, between 5 to 15 times.

4- Cow Pose 🐮 – Bitilasana

Stéphane our co-founder demonstrates the cow pose

Complementary to the cat position, it can ideally be practiced alternately.

The idea: relieve tension in the torso, neck and shoulders.

The posture: Here, the back is rather hollow.

The technique: From the all-fours position:

  • Slowly raise your head, looking upwards.
  • As you inhale, arch your back, letting your belly move toward the bed.
  • The tailbone towards the sky.
  • Shoulders rolled back, still in line with wrists.
  • Return to the starting position.

👉 If you alternate between cat <–> cow postures: Inhale as you lower your belly in cow posture, exhale as you raise your back in cat posture.

5- Goddess of Sleep Pose 😴 - Supta Baddha Konasana

Margo our logistics manager demonstrates the sleep goddess pose

The idea: relaxation, unwinding, with effects on breathing (your rib cage is wide open), blood pressure (this calm posture).

The posture: Butterfly legs, lying on your back, with a cushion under your back (or your pillow - bolster - yoga brick). It doesn't matter if you put a pillow under your head, make yourself comfortable and above all, above all: don't seek perfection, you don't have to suffer!

The technique:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and open outwards.
  • Ideally, your legs should touch the floor, but it doesn't matter if you can't: place cushions between your knees and the bed.
  • The back is well aligned with the pelvis and the head, the spine “au naturel”, without forcing. Most of us will add a cushion or a brick to support the lumbar region.
  • Arms resting on the bed, forming a rectangle around the head – or in a cross, palm facing the sky.
  • When you are there, relax your whole body.

👉 This relaxing, more than meditative posture can be practiced for 30 seconds, a minute, several minutes... Start gently and as your sessions progress, you will be able to last longer.

6- The final posture: savasana or corpse posture

Paul our co-founder shows us the Savasana posture

The idea: A complete release and relaxation, a posture that can be performed until falling asleep.

The posture: on your back, arms and legs straight.

The technique:

💪 Physically: it's easy

  • Lie on your back
  • Spread your arms slightly alongside your body, palms facing the sky.
  • Spread your legs slightly, feet relaxed with the toes tilting slightly outwards.
  • Breathe normally, without a stopwatch, without forcing. The breathing will lengthen gradually.

🧠 Mentally: this is where you have to be strong!

  • Focus on each part of your body, starting from the bottom and working your way up to your head. Feel your body and let it sink into the mattress.
  • Let the thoughts pass. If you start to dwell on one, refocus on your breathing or your body, you need to empty your head.

👉 First, you will try not to sleep to focus on your body sinking into the bed! Then, after a few minutes, you can let go and fall asleep. Then you… ZZZzzzzzz

In video

Want something more interactive? We like what Joëlle does!

More tips for pampering your sleep

Getting back to calm to help you sleep is a good idea. And to go further, we have prepared a great article for you on how to sleep better .

And because we like to give you all the tips, we have even written a whole file for you for a deep and restorative sleep.

So, to summarize:

🔦Master the light . If blue light is important during the day, it is harmful for those who want to sleep well. It influences our production of melatonin, the “sleep” hormone. We also offer you, wonderful coincidence, a whole range of anti-blue light glasses, with the most effective filters on the market! Because we don't joke with your health. You will find some for gamers as well as for every day , those that are also worn at work.

⌚Try to keep a regular schedule . We know it’s not easy, especially for night workers! But with a little patience and practice, you’ll find your rhythm. Why not use a sleep tracking app to understand your circadian rhythm?

🌡Keep the temperature under control : Become a black belt in the secret art of the leg out of the duvet. Our body lowers its temperature for a restful sleep, so let's help it.

🍔 Watch your diet , so as not to eat too late and too heavily. Focus a little on hydration, drinking well is important.

🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️Find calm. Stress and anxiety don't go well with sleep. So to relax, yoga is great, but we have also prepared our guide to the different types of meditation .

The final word: yoga before bed, the friend of sleep

A few yoga postures for sleeping well are therefore a good way to take care of yourself to relax your body and mind and prepare yourself as best as possible for a cloudless sleep!

And no need to bend over backwards: the postures are easy and accessible to everyone. Good night!

Tagged: Sommeil