Les guides Horus X

Quelle huile essentielle pour le sommeil : le guide complet

Quelle huile essentielle pour le sommeil : le guide complet

Si tu souffres de troubles du sommeil, l'article qui suit va sûrement t'intéresser ! On t'explique comment mieux dormir grâce aux huiles essentielles : est ce que ça fonctionne ?...
Etiquetados: Sommeil
Comment nettoyer des lunettes de soleil

Comment nettoyer des lunettes de soleil

Au même titre que les lunettes de vue, les lunettes de soleil doivent être chouchoutées pour pouvoir en profiter au maximum. Avec notre guide pas à pas, on vous explique...
Etiquetados: Confort visuel
Comment enlever les poches sous les yeux naturellement

How to remove bags under the eyes naturally

Do you want to say goodbye to bags under the eyes in a natural way? Do not search anymore ! Here is a real method and some simple and effective...
Etiquetados: Bien être
Comment avoir un sommeil profond et réparateur

How to Get Deep, Restful Sleep

Whether you are an avid reader of our articles or have arrived here after a google search, it is undoubtedly with the same intention: Your sleep is disturbed and you...
Etiquetados: Sommeil
Insomnie ? Comment trouver le sommeil quand on est stressé ?

How do you fall asleep when you're stressed?

Insomnia, closely related to stress, loves to play tricks when it comes to finding rest and clearing your head of all bad thoughts. Here are our essential tips and tricks...
Etiquetados: Sommeil
Comment mettre des gouttes dans les yeux : Dossier complet

How to put drops in the eyes: Complete file

Imagine, you are playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. So far, so good, but now your eyes are starting to sting, your vision is getting blurry and...
Etiquetados: Confort visuel
Lumière bleue et rides : existe-t-il un lien ? 

Blue light and wrinkles: is there a link?

You are beginning to know that blue light has several negative effects on your health, especially on your eyes and your sleep. But now, in addition, we hear that it...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue
Lunettes anti lumière bleue pour la conduite : guide complet

Blue light blocking glasses for driving: a complete guide

You, the lover of the road, sailing at full speed on the asphalt, lulled by the melodies of California Dreaming, would you know that an insidious danger for your vision...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue
La lumière perturbe le sommeil : comment l'optimiser pour des nuits paisibles

Light disrupts sleep: how to optimize it for peaceful nights

Whether you spend your nights chaining rounds on Fall Guys or scrolling in bed on Instagram, you've probably noticed: light can harm your eyes, but also your sleep . We...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue Sommeil
Lumière bleue et DMLA : Quel lien ?

Blue light and AMD: What's the link?

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is fairly scary sounding, but it doesn’t have to be. As long as you have the right armor equipped in the war to protect your eyesight,...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue
Yeux secs et lentilles : notre dossier complet

Contact lenses and dry eyes: What's the connection?

Those who frequently wear contact lenses will be familiar with some of the issues they can cause – namely, dry and irritated eyes that make wearing lenses an unpleasant experience....
Etiquetados: Confort visuel
un homme assis au bureau avec une posture correcte

Gaming Posture: How to make sure you stay comfortable for hours

Gaming Posture: How to make sure you stay comfortable for hours If you’re an avid gamer you’re probably well accustomed to spending hours hunched over a PC or lounging on...
Etiquetados: Gaming