Les guides Horus X

Comment protéger ses yeux des écrans : nos conseils santé et lumière bleue

Comment protéger ses yeux des écrans : nos conseils santé et lumière bleue

Combien de temps passes-tu par jour devant un écran ? Certainement beaucoup trop, comme nous ! En même temps, rien d’étonnant vu la place qu'ils occupent dans notre société ces...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue
Ampoule sans lumière bleue : une vraie solution ?

Ampoule sans lumière bleue : une vraie solution ?

La lumière bleue… cet ennemi auquel on est exposé au quotidien, tapi dans l’ombre (enfin, en pleine lumière). Car tu dois le savoir maintenant, elle est partout ! Ton téléphone,...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue
Verres anti lumière bleue : sont-ils vraiment efficaces ? Notre avis ! 

Are Blue Light Blocking Glasses Actually Effective?

 Anti-blue light glasses are designed to relieve and protect your eyes against the effects of overexposure to screens and their artificial blue light. But their effectiveness is often debated –...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue
Lumière bleue et rides : existe-t-il un lien ? 

Blue light and wrinkles: is there a link?

You are beginning to know that blue light has several negative effects on your health, especially on your eyes and your sleep. But now, in addition, we hear that it...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue
Lunettes anti lumière bleue pour la conduite : guide complet

Blue light blocking glasses for driving: a complete guide

You, the lover of the road, sailing at full speed on the asphalt, lulled by the melodies of California Dreaming, would you know that an insidious danger for your vision...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue
La lumière perturbe le sommeil : comment l'optimiser pour des nuits paisibles

Light disrupts sleep: how to optimize it for peaceful nights

Whether you spend your nights chaining rounds on Fall Guys or scrolling in bed on Instagram, you've probably noticed: light can harm your eyes, but also your sleep . We...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue Sommeil
Lumière bleue et DMLA : Quel lien ?

Blue light and AMD: What's the link?

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is fairly scary sounding, but it doesn’t have to be. As long as you have the right armor equipped in the war to protect your eyesight,...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue
Lumiere bleue pour dormir

Blue light for sleeping

As you know, blue light and sleep are among our favorite subjects. And today, instead of just talking to you about the harmful effects of LEDs and screens on your...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue Sommeil
Traitement acné lumière bleue : comment ça marche ?

Blue light acne treatment: how does it work?

 We know we’ve been making a big fuss about the harmful effects of blue light and advocating for your eyes to stay safe from its negative impacts… but today, we’re...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue


You live in Bordeaux, as a professional, student, gamer, parent or grandparent. You have learned about the dangers of blue light and you want to protect yourself or your family...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue
Filtre lumière bleue Samsung : comment l'activer

Samsung blue light filter: how to activate it

The blue light filter is one of the essential features that significantly improve our phones and Samsung is fortunately one of the brands that have relied on this tool to...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue
Où acheter des lunettes anti lumière bleue à Paris ?

Where to buy blue light blocking glasses in Paris?

As a gamer or digital pro, you pay attention to your equipment. You probably have a good mouse, the mechanical keyboard that goes with it and the curved 144 Hz...
Etiquetados: Lumière bleue