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Jeûne intermittent avec horloge jaune Concept de fenêtre d'alimentation de huit heures de jeûne intermittent et alimentation saine

Intermittent fasting and sleep: can fasting improve our nights and our mood?

Whether you've done it before or not, chances are you've heard of intermittent fasting. For some, depriving yourself of food may seem a little crazy, and yet this practice has...
Etiquetados: Nutrition Sommeil
une femme avec des aliments verts sains

What can I eat to sleep better? Foods to help you sleep

 Did you know your diet impacts your sleep pattern and quality? If you ate a four-cheese pizza 3 hours before bed and you’ve then spent hours lying there uncomfortably full,...
Etiquetados: Nutrition
avions redbull

¿Es Red Bull peligroso para la salud? Los efectos de las bebidas energéticas

En Horus X, cuidamos la salud de los gamers y de todos los demás, con nuestras gafas que protegen los ojos y con nuestros consejos del blog. Y hay una...
Etiquetados: Nutrition
légumes bons pour les yeux

Vegetable good for eyesight

We spend more than 60% of our leisure time in front of screens . We hardly dare to add the time spent for our professional activity… Our eyes are necessarily...
Etiquetados: Nutrition
Plante pour améliorer la vue et diminuer la fatigue des écrans

Plant to improve eyesight and reduce screen fatigue

In this guide you will find: Research supported by scientific studies to take care of your sight , in the context of screen-related fatigue. Natural advice and a selection of...
Etiquetados: Nutrition
une petite fille tenant une pomme

What vitamin for the eyes

Taking care of your eyes naturally is essential. Even more today as we spend more and more time in front of screens. To help our eyesight stay on top, we...
Etiquetados: Nutrition
une femme pointant son œil

What fruit is good for the eyes

A balanced and healthy diet, again and again! We are told all day long, we have to eat fruits and vegetables , 5 in number it would seem. You don't even know...
Etiquetados: Nutrition
Image à la une des pire aliments mauvais pour la vue sur fond de friandises colorées

Foods bad for the eyes | The worst foods for eyesight

Are some foods bad for our eyes ? If yes, which ones ? Would eating better help us perform better? In the greedy world of video games, for example, only...
Etiquetados: Nutrition
Photographie à plat de médecines alternatives

Best dietary supplement for the eyes • Enhanced gamer vision

Would you like to know how to add strength, defense and resistance points to your eyeballs like you already do with your LoL character? The eyes are one of the...
Etiquetados: Nutrition
3 Recettes de Smoothies pour gamers et Esportifs (santé des yeux)

3 Smoothie Recipes for Gamers and Esports (Eye Health)

What if we told you that you could improve your game with a simple smoothie or juice? We too often underestimate the extent to which good health can have a...
Etiquetados: Nutrition
Bol de patate douce rôtie au four, salade, saumon, carottes, citron au romarin et thym

Gamer's diet | Eat better to perform better!

One of the most important things top athletes consider as part of their physical preparation is nutrition. With rigorous training schedules and grueling competitions, athletes – and gamers – need...
Etiquetados: Nutrition