Les guides Horus X

Comment bien nettoyer ses lunettes

How to clean gaming glasses

Dirty glasses can feel like you’ve just taken a faceful of ink from a blooper. Staring through smudges can make real-life seem like it’s in 1080p, taking you out of a...
Etiquetados: Confort visuel
Mon oeil saute, que faire ? Trop de temps devant un écran ?

My eye is popping, what should I do? Too much time in front of a screen?

What could be more disturbing than an eye that wiggles when, lurking at the bottom of the map, you watch the enemy for a legendary headshot through your sniper scope?...
Etiquetados: Confort visuel
Peut-on devenir aveugle avec les écrans ?

Can you go blind with screens?

By spending more than 8 hours a day in front of our screens, we undermine our laser vision as pro gamers. The blue light emitted by our smartphones, computers, tablets...
Etiquetados: Confort visuel
Comment renforcer ses yeux | Les aliments qui améliorent la vue (et ceux à éviter)

How to strengthen your eyes | Foods That Improve Vision (and Which to Avoid)

How many times have you found yourself staring at your completely washed-out screen, unable to make out what's going on in the game? Do you have the feeling that your...
Etiquetados: Confort visuel