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Meilleure lunette gaming pas cher | Top 10

Best Cheap Gaming Glasses | Top 10

You've had enough Digital eye strain keeping you from running a marathon or late-night gaming session? There's nothing worse when encountering the ultimate boss than finding out that you haven't blinked...
Tagged: Gaming
un homme nettoie ses lunettes Horus X avec un chiffon en microfibre

How to clean gaming glasses

Dirty glasses can feel like you’ve just taken a faceful of ink from a blooper. Staring through smudges can make real-life seem like it’s in 1080p, taking you out of a...
Tagged: Confort visuel
Ou trouver des lunettes anti lumière bleue

Where can I find blue light blocking glasses?

You may be wondering how and where to find blue light blocking glasses? For gaming, for work or for everyday life? Horus X invites you to discover the best places to go.
Tagged: Lumière bleue
un homme portant des lunettes Horus X jouant à des jeux vidéo

What do gaming glasses do

Tu as des questions sur le fonctionnement et l'intérêt des lunettes gaming anti lumière bleue ? Découvre la véritable utilité des lunettes gaming ! Confort, santé, concentration, tu sauras tout.
Tagged: Lumière bleue
Comment savoir si mes lunettes sont anti lumière bleue ?

How do I know if my glasses are blue light blocking?

Do you have prescription or prescription glasses and want to know if they are treated to filter out harmful blue light? Our guide will show you how to proceed with the verification.
Tagged: Lumière bleue
une personne qui reçoit un cadeau

Gifts for Gamers: The Best Gift Ideas for Birthdays & Holidays

You're looking for something to give to a gamer, but you have no idea what to choose. For this, we offer you a list of gamer gift ideas, for men and women: you just have to follow the guide!
Tagged: Gaming
Quelles sont les meilleures lunettes anti-lumière bleue pour enfant ?

What are the best blue light blocking glasses for kids?

Are you looking for a pair of anti blue light glasses for children, but you don't know which one to choose, or if their interest is proven? We are here to answer your questions.
Tagged: Lumière bleue
une jeune femme portant des lunettes de soleil Horus X à la plage

Do sunglasses protect against blue light?

Tu as prévu un séjour au soleil mais tu comptes quand même utiliser un écran ? Tu te demandes si tes lunettes de soleil peuvent te protéger le la lumière bleue ? Nous allons répondre à cette question.
Tagged: Lumière bleue
Quel est le meilleur PC gamer pas cher ?

What is the best cheap gaming PC?

Do you want to make your own gaming PC, but your budget is quite tight? Today we offer you a guide to buy the components to create the best inexpensive gaming PC.
Tagged: Gaming
Les meilleures lunettes anti lumière bleue pour femme - Top 5 et guide d'achat

The best blue light blocking glasses for women - Top 5 and buying guide

If you arrived here, it is without a doubt that you are looking for glasses to play or work. That's perfect, since Horus X is now offering you a buying guide for the best blue light blocking glasses for women.
Tagged: Lumière bleue
Comment bien choisir son écran gamer ? Guide d'achat et top 3

How to choose the right gaming screen? Buying guide and top 3

It's time to change your old hardware and get yourself a gamer screen? Horus X helps you make the best choice with a buying guide and a top 3 concocted with love.
Tagged: Gaming
Comment dire a ses parents qu'on veut devenir un pro-gamer ?

How do you tell your parents that you want to become a pro-gamer?

Do you dream of becoming a pro-gamer, but you don't really know how to tell your parents, to convince them? We give you the keys to get there and start your career in eSports.
Tagged: Gaming