Insomnia, closely related to stress, loves to play tricks when it comes to finding rest and clearing your head of all bad thoughts.

Here are our essential tips and tricks for overcoming stress-related sleep issues and snuggling up in Morpheus' arms despite the stressful pressures and challenges of everyday life.

In this article :

  • 😫 Chronic stress, fatigue and insomnia: a real infernal cycle
  • 😬 The causes of stress and their impact on falling asleep
  • 💪 Step 1 [ The base] : Adapt your lifestyle to sleep better
  • 💆‍♂️ Step 2 [Techniques] : Relaxation techniques to help you fall asleep
  • 😴 Other advanced solutions to find sleep when you are stressed

PS: We explain everything to you from the beginning but if you want to go directly to our method, don't hesitate!

Chronic stress, fatigue and insomnia: a veritable infernal cycle

Insomnia is one of those sleep disorders that ruin our lives. It is often related to stress. We are / were several in the team to suffer from it BUT we suddenly have a lot of things to tell you.

Anxiety continually disrupts our rest , and fatigue intensifies our stress response. The causes of this vicious circle are multiple.

What is the connection between insomnia and anxiety?

When stress invades us, our body turns into a veritable hormone factory, with a delirious production of cortisol. This little imp can then have fun sabotaging our ability to nod off and snore peacefully all night long.

🤯 And there, the vicious circle is set up!

Fatigue worsens anxiety and makes stressful situations even more difficult to manage . Stress prevents us from sleeping, and insomnia amplifies stress even more.

What can be the consequences of an accumulation of stress before sleeping?

An accumulation of stress before sleep can have consequences for our health and well-being. In addition to insomnia, chronic stress can lead to:

  • 🥱 Persistent fatigue,

  • 🥴 A decrease in concentration,

  • 💾 Memory problems

  • 🤦‍♀️ Decreased cognitive efficiency

  • 🤒 A decrease in the effectiveness of the immune system,

  • ❤ Increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases

What are the symptoms of insomnia?

Insomnia is manifested by different symptoms that can vary from person to person. Common symptoms of insomnia include:

  • 🕐 Difficulty falling asleep,

  • 👀 frequent waking up during the night,

  • 😪 non-restorative sleep,

  • 😩 feeling tired when you wake up,

  • 🛏 sleepiness during the day,

  • 😡 irritability,

  • 🙃 concentration difficulties.

The causes of stress and their impact on falling asleep

  • Job stress : Demands at work, long hours at the office, and tight deadlines can generate anxiety and lead to insomnia.

  • Relationship stress : Unresolved tensions and recurring arguments can create a state of anxiety and restlessness that persists even overnight.

  • Financial stress : Financial insecurity and worries about spending can haunt us overnight.

  • Emotional stress : when we are overwhelmed by intense emotions, our brains are agitated and it becomes difficult to find the calm necessary to fall asleep.

There may be root causes + but still related to these broad categories. Childhood trauma that causes our body to be in a perpetual state of stress, more anxious personality linked to education...

The first thing to do is really try to identify the ultimate cause of the problem. Because once identified you can really start working on a relevant solution. It will be much faster!

Our tips for creating a soothing sleep routine

To overcome insomnia, it's time to develop an unstoppable strategy. Put on your battle pajamas, get ready for nighttime action and here are some foolproof tips:

  • Establish regular bedtimes and wake-up times , even on rest days. By sticking to a consistent sleep routine, our bodies can adjust to a natural rhythm and promote easier falling asleep.

  • Bedtime ritual : remember to promote relaxing activities before sleeping. This can be taking a warm bath, reading a calming book, listening to soft music, or practicing relaxation exercises. You condition your brain to associate these actions with relaxation and sleep.

  • Avoid screens before bed : Phone, tablet and computer screens emit blue light that can inhibit the production of melatonin , a hormone essential for sleep. Avoid screens at least an hour before bedtime and find calming alternatives.

  • Create an environment conducive to falling asleep : make sure your bedroom is well ventilated, quiet and dark. Sets the temperature to a comfortable level, neither too hot nor too cold.

Adapt your lifestyle to sleep better

The first thing to do, and perhaps the most fundamental, is to find your balance on a daily basis. Do you have time for yourself? To take care of your body and mind? If you always have the impression of being at 100 an hour, this is probably where you need to investigate.

Objective: activation of the virtuous circle.

The more time you take to put these fundamental pillars of a healthy life in place, the less stress you'll have, the better you'll sleep, and the more productive and rested you'll be. Ok let's do it.

This article mainly talks about stress and how to manage it, but if you want to improve your sleep in general, don't hesitate to consult our guide to better sleep , which covers all the fundamentals.

🥗 Balanced diet: sleep-friendly foods

Avoid heavy, high-fat meals before bed, as they can cause digestion issues and disrupt your night.

Opt instead for a balanced diet , with meat or fish in the evening, pulses, starches and lean proteins. Timing also matters a lot. Give your body time to digest and not overheat when you go to bed. The best is to finish the meal 3 hours before going to bed. Not easy but we get nothing for nothing (you were making fun of old people who eat and go to bed like chickens but old people have good reasons!).

🤸‍♂️ Regular physical activity: to feel good about yourself and your body

Physical exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, hormones that promote relaxation and well-being.

It's the simplest physical mechanism you can work on to regain your mental balance.

Avoid strenuous exercise too close to bedtime, however, as this can stimulate your body and make it harder to fall asleep.

🕰 Time and priority management: reduce stress

Mismanagement of time and priorities can lead to stress and create insomnia.

Avoid overloading yourself with tasks and learn to say no when necessary.

Instead of taking each task one by one on the fly, take the time to plan your days.

Horus X suggestions : we use several tools. To manage our projects, we use Monday, to manage our schedule google calendar.

🎨 Stress management techniques during the day: relaxation, meditation, hobbies

In addition to sleep-specific relaxation techniques, you also need to know how to develop general strategies for managing anxiety.

Explore different relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation, walking outdoors, or doing a hobby that makes you happy.

Identify activities that help you relax and rejuvenate, and incorporate them into your workplace and your daily life.

Relaxation techniques to help you fall asleep

For dreamy nights and gentle snoring, there's nothing like setting up real relaxation techniques. Forget the worries of the day and dive into an ocean of zen. At work !

  • 🌬 Deep breathing is a technique to relax and promote sleep. By focusing on our breathing, inhaling slowly and deeply through our nose, then exhaling through our mouth, we can slow our heart rate, relax our muscles, and quiet our mind.

  • 🧎‍♂️ Meditation and mindfulness are practices that promote mental and emotional relaxation. By focusing on the present moment and observing our thoughts without judgment, we can reduce stress, calm down, and prepare our bodies for sleep.

  • 🧘 ♂️ Yoga and stretching : to relax the body and release the tensions accumulated during the day. It relieves tense muscles, promotes blood circulation and prepares our body for restful sleep.

  • 🏞 Visualization Techniques : Visualization involves creating mental images and calming thoughts to induce relaxation and promote sleep. By imagining peaceful scenes, we can quiet our minds and create a mental environment conducive to sleep.

Other solutions to find sleep when you are stressed

In addition to the techniques mentioned above, there are other solutions to fall asleep when you are stressed. Here are some additional options to consider:

  • 👨‍⚕️ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques to identify and change negative thought patterns and counterproductive behaviors related to stress.

  • 📱 Using sleep tracking apps and devices that can help track sleep quality and better understand your habits.

  • 🍵 Use complementary therapies such as phytotherapy or aromatherapy. Consult a physician for recommendations on the safe and effective use of these therapies.

Can we have insomnia not related to stress?

Although stress is a main cause of insomnia, other factors can contribute:

  • mood disorders,

  • a particular health condition,

  • medication,

  • environmental changes,

  • inappropriate sleeping habits

Insomnia related to stress: the final word

Everyone suffers from insomnia at one time or another. So don't panic! It is possible to fight stress-related insomnia by fighting the problem at the source.

By using relaxation techniques, creating a calming sleep routine, adjusting one's lifestyle and exploring other solutions, it is possible to fall asleep even in times of stress.

The key is to know how to stay well in your head and in your body so as not to suffer from anxiety without being able to defend yourself.

If sleep disturbances persist, it is recommended to consult a medical professional for appropriate treatment. Hope our tips were able to help you!

Etiquetados: Sommeil