Blue Light Blocking Sunglasses | anti-UV | anti-reflection

Anti blue light sunglasses 100% anti uv, anti reflections. The only sunglasses designed for adventure & optimized for perfect reading of outdoor screens. 🌊☀️🌄

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How to choose the right lenses?

Darkmatter® sun lenses

UV400 cat.3 sunglasses.
Filter out 96% of harmful blue light.
Optimized for reading screens outdoors.
High performance anti-reflection.

The ideal choice for classic use. Also allows you to work outdoors with your glasses.

x-Pol® sun lenses

UV400 cat.3 sunglasses.
Filter out 96% of harmful blue light.
High performance anti-reflection.
+ polarized anti-glare treatment.

The ultimate solution to face the brightest environments (waterside & mountain).

Blue light blocking sunglasses | Guide

You get up in the morning to turn off the alarm on your phone. BOOM, a small burst of blue light upon waking up! You turn on the light to prepare breakfast. BIM, your diode lighting is giving you a blast. Do you open your emails when you arrive at work? Another burst of blue light .

Blue light is everywhere. And if it is not always bad (part of the spectrum is beneficial for our body), we are clearly overexposed to this artificial blue light. If on top of that you add the use of screens outdoors, your eyes risk taking a big hit. Find out how using anti-blue light sunglasses can be useful to protect you even outdoors.

La lumière bleue est partout.

Et si elle n'est pas toujours mauvaise (une partie du spectre est essentielle pour notre corps), nous sommes clairement surexposés à cette lumière bleue artificielle. Si en + de cela tu ajoutes une utilisation des écrans en extérieur, tes yeux risquent d'en prendre un sacré coup. Découvre comment l'utilisation de lunettes de soleil anti lumière bleue peut être utile pour te protéger même en extérieur. 

Why protect yourself from blue light outdoors

C'est bon bon !

La lumière bleue est présente partout. Même quand tu ouvres tes volets le matin (ou l'aprem, je juge pas), tu en absorbes une bonne dose ! Initialement, c'est important !

Une partie de la lumière bleue est absolument essentielle à ton éveil, en termes pompeux, on dit qu'elle est bénéfique pour ton rythme circadien. Pas la peine de bloquer cette lumière qui finalement ne veut que ton bien. 

Avec parcimonie

Par contre, au delà de cette lumière bénéfique (comprise entre 450 et 500 nanomètres du spectre lumineux), on trouve la lumière bleue dangereuse (de 380 à 450 nanomètres) et les rayons utra-violets (en dessous de 380 nanomètres).

Si tu passes du temps sur ton mobile en attendant le bus, ou si tu à le luxe de bosser sur ton PC portable depuis une plage de sable blanc, il y a de fortes chances que tes yeux reçoivent une dose trop importante de cette lumière bleue nocive en + des UVs et des méchants reflets qui pour le coup vont massacrer ta cornée. 

Pour autant, je comprends que tu ne veuilles pas mettre de côté tes écrans digitaux dès que tu sors. 

Do classic sunglasses protect against blue light?

Yes and no. Sunglasses are primarily designed to protect you from UV rays and reduce glare. So on that side, you're covered.

But initially, there was no particular attention to integrating an anti-blue light filter , quite simply because we did not really know the harmful effects.

Sunglasses therefore block UVS and light in general, without targeting blue light. It is filtered to a lesser extent but not completely.

Another problem linked to sunglasses is their polarizing technology , which many are equipped with today.

Polarization is often relevant because it further reduces glare (especially near waterways #lamarreauxcanards or snow #sheesttoosoft) but it prevents digital screens from being read correctly because it blocks a large part of the light flow digital (you can also do the test with your phone if you turn it at a certain angle, you will no longer be able to see the screen if you have polarized glasses).

Do sunglasses against blue light exist?

If you did a quick google search before landing on our site, you must have struggled to find some relevant information.

The reason ? This technology straight out of Tony Stark's laboratory was released in the summer of 2022!

It protects just as well against UV rays, excessive light in summer and also against blue light. It will therefore be an ally of choice for the ultra-connected cyborg that you are. To give you an overview, it filters:

🔆 100% UV

🟣 100% blue violet light at 400nm

🔵 96% of harmful blue light between 380 and 450 nm

The frame is taken and adapted from our Gaming collection with their unique ergonomic design which has already convinced more than 200,000 people around the world.

It is ultra comfortable, ultra resistant (in polycarbonate, materials used in ballistic protection) and with the best protection on the market combining UV, blue light and reflections AND accompanied by our lifetime guarantee. The ultimate sunglasses to keep using your screens outdoors. It was developed and tested under the demanding sun of Portugal, in the arid plains of Georgia, in the merciless rocky mountains of Canada (we have a small team but travel a lot!)

Must / Can we wear blue light blocking glasses all the time?

Not necessarily. Our advice is that you should especially use them regularly when using screens. It's a bit like health and old age insurance for your eyes.

In small doses, blue light is not necessarily harmful but it is this repeated exposure, sometimes in less than ideal conditions (sometimes mixed with UV rays) which poses the most risks. Our recommendations for wearing anti-blue light glasses:


📂 At work : essential in front of the screens. We spend so much time on our PC or our smartphones that they have become an extension of us. We're not completely bionic yet so we have to protect ourselves.

Our recommendation : The Casual / Urban glasses . A go-anywhere glasses that protect you solidly throughout the day. One of the most powerful filters on the market for this level of transparency.


✈️ When walking : a good pair of sunglasses does the trick but if you plan to spend a lot of time on your phone or PC outdoors, a classic anti-blue light glasses (which also filter UV rays but less general brightness ) or solar (for optimal protection) is recommended.

Our recommendation : the Horus X solar anti-blue light collection! What else?


😴 At bedtime : Using an anti-blue light glasses in the evening is recommended because it helps prepare your brain for falling asleep (the glasses block blue light which prevents the production of melatonin and allows you to fall asleep faster).

Our recce : The One. A glasses with an amber tint which reduces blue light as much as possible to make it easier to fall asleep.