In France, we are lucky to have a good health system , which allows us to have a lot of reimbursements when it comes to our care and their support . No exception so when it comes to our eye health , and that's good for us!
Enter here social Security and our mutuals , always complicated to know who reimburses what, and precisely when it comes to glasses. Today, we are going to focus on one type of glasses in particular, blue light blocking glasses and find out if these can be reimbursed and under what conditions.
In this article :
The case of glasses without correction
The case of glasses with correction
I already have glasses, but without blue light treatment, what should I do?
Blue light blocking glasses without correction
For starters, you should know that getting blue light blocking glasses without correction is quite possible without a prescription , but it should be noted that at this time they are NEVER reimbursed, neither by social security, nor by your mutual (or your parents' mutual, little profiteer;))
⚠️ Screen protection is (for now) not one of the safety priorities!
Without a prescription, that means you can go to your optician and ask him to introduce you to his range of anti blue light glasses without correction (without refund therefore).
From experience, opticians, although they offer this type of glasses, have only a limited choice, their expertise being mainly glasses with correction.
Few choices therefore, this is not what we recommend.
Brands have specialized in blue light protection and distribute their products outside the conventional optician network .
👉 So you can find a lot more choices on line for example with expert brands, which offer filtration rates beyond what you can find at your optician . Thus, none offers reimbursement via social security or mutual insurance.
In the best blue light blocking brands :
- Horus X : How not to quote yourself ;) Our French team has had its eyes riveted on blue light for years and we have developed different types of lenses that are among the most efficient on the market, come take a look at OUR shop !

- Izipizi : Another French actor that we have seen appear in recent years and who has established himself in this niche. A large choice of frames, for adults and children, since they have quite a few models for children. Low blue light filtering.
- Barner : You have to go to the other side of the border to find the Spaniards Barner and their anti-blue light glasses with colored frames.
- Gunnar : Because we don't only make anti-blue light glasses on the old continent, we must mention our American "counterpart", Gunnar Optiks, which like Horus X offers a range with Office and a Gaming range.
Blue light blocking glasses with correction
If you already have a prescription, that means you need a little correction.

In France generally who says order , says refund !
Social Security
So yes, but no, it's not as simple as far as social security is concerned, because here we're talking about blue light And protection in front of screens .
I explain to you, the social Security is nice, but not too much.
She pays back what she calls the basket 100% health . But it does not reimburse the basic anti-blue light treatment on the glasses , considering the treatment as a comfort accessory and not as an absolute necessity.
Too bad... Perhaps over time, like the anti-reflection treatment, the anti-blue light treatment on the lenses will be part of the 100% health basket for protection in front of the screens.
Fortunately, it's not just social security that comes into play.
The mutual
There health supplement, mutual makes up for the lack. It all depends on your health insurance.
Some will refund a % up to a certain amount, others have packages for different ocular equipment. It is therefore difficult to say whether TA mutual insurance will cover the anti-blue light treatment or not. To see on your side with them to see what you are entitled to, but in any case, it is possible!
Don't hesitate to ask for a estimate to the optician and send it to your health insurance to see what you are entitled to.
You have glasses, but without treatment
Last case, you already have a frame of glasses, but it is not equipped with anti blue light treatment. There are two solutions.
There first consists of going to your optician and asking him to apply a surface treatment (a sort of "paint" applied to the glass) which will allow the blue light to be filtered. Unfortunately, you will not be reimbursed, there is no coverage, neither by social security nor by mutual insurance companies. (perhaps by your father or your mother?)
Another disadvantage is that if your glasses are a little worn, or have imperfections, then your optician will not risk applying the treatment, at the risk of damaging your glasses.
There second solution is to buy clips that attach to your eyeglass frame, we call that clip-ons . This option as you can imagine is not reimbursed but at a reasonable cost. The advantage also being that you can choose your filtration rate and therefore your filtration rate depending on the brand and the product ranges.
Anti-blue light glasses and reimbursement: the final word
Depending on your situation, there is the possibility of having a refund on your glasses or your treatment, but it has to fit into a very specific case, namely, having a arrangement and an good mutual . In other cases, even if there are affordable options, you will not be eligible for a refund. If you don't need correction, the optician generally offers a few frame and lens options, but we especially recommend that you turn to optical actors and brands specialized on blue light.